Friday, September 26, 2014

Recipe for a Boy or Girl

Post your journal response here following our discussion of the "recipe" to influence conception of a boy or a girl:


  1. Making a child is one of the most fulfilling, rewarding things you can do in your life. It’s also one of the most stressful.
    People will go to great lengths just to control every aspect of their lives, so why not the gender of their child? If they have the means, so be it. To go down this route, one must prepare the body well before pregnancy. It may be just the woman, but men should do it as well, if not for anything but solidarity.
    I was surprised to find that science does support this line of thought. It’s all about the Ph levels. Scientifically speaking, if you were trying to conceive a boy, you would want foods that are mainly high in sodium and potassium i.e. pickles, whole grain cereal, bananas, and things of that nature. For precious baby girls, you would want vitamin C rich foods, such as shrimp, salsa, and citrus fruits. Green leafy veggies also help.
    Whatever the decision, healthy eating and living should be the first priority because no matter the sex of your child, it is beautiful.

  2. In today's society, most soon-to-be parents lean towards science and

    experimented research when trying to manipulate a specific gender of their

    unborn offspring. For instance, if a pregnant mother wanted a male to be the

    gender of her unborn child, because of what she's probably read on the internet or

    seen on television, she may eat more masculine foods like chicken, beef, and

    bread while she's in labor. I believe this to be misleading information regardless of

    all the research and experiments that were done to prove it's legitimacy. I believe

    this to be a field that is out of human control. My opinion is that the gender of an

    unborn child is strictly left to God's will. There's nothing a human can physically

    do to alter or change the gender of an unborn child. If your really picky about the

    gender of your child and desire a specific sex, my advice to you is to get down on

    your knees and simply pray for it. If you have faith in your prayer and in the God

    you serve, I guarantee you that your request will be fulfilled. And if under some

    certain circumstance your prayer was not answered the way you would've

    preferred, just believe that God has a reason for everything. So to all my soon-to-

    be parents out there, please don't turn towards man-made inventions and

    "experimented research" when trying to alter the sex of your unborn child. Just

    pray and have faith that the gender of your child will meet your desired wish.

    - Neek Mukoro

  3. Foods To Brew Up a Boy or Girl
    I'm reluctant whether any particular foods truly alter the packaging of chromosomes because it is an
    endless debate. Some of these food are stated as mythical and some have been trialed to work. It is said
    that a high sodium diet can work wonders to conceive a boy yet craving salty food doesn't precisely
    entail that the mother is going to have one (according to scientific data.) It's quite contradictory at times.
    Interestingly enough, the first food I read upon was pickles. Pickles must have superpowers and pack
    tons of sodium which can highly likely begin the sketch of a boy (if you consistently eat them?) I mean,
    I've witnessed this. My sister devoured pickles and Hot Cheetos for breakfast when she gave the world
    my first nephew, Max. She made her own concoctions which typically consisted of saltiness. This may
    not be a myth? Based upon research, you should probably add a sprinkled egg to everything. Why not
    throw some salty deli meat in there too? How beastly. I understand why expecting mothers eat like
    grizzly bears, they have a strong desire for a variation of foods, not one, but many.
    Number dos, this surprisingly shocked me because I thought citrusy foods were malicious for
    pregnancy. Maybe because lemons are a misconception and could alter your internal environment's PH
    levels. Vitamin C plays a crucial role, as any vitamin should, because without it, your baby would be
    mentally impaired (once again, according to data.) It also fights diseases so your entire temple (which
    your baby dwells in) is safe. So, grapefruits, strawberries, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes would be the
    way to go, even better juiced. If she wants to get innovative, partner a juice with potassium rich veggies. She must go "bananas" her consumption, it's essentially art. Regardless of the outcome, he or she will
    be a healthy baby.
    If a baby girl is ideal for she, the expecting mother. She must slam MILK, because it provides calcium
    and magnesium. Not limiting herself to milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, ice cream and cream soup
    also have the same benefits. She needs to sustain bone strength for not only for herself, but for her little
    embryo of love. To process the calcium, she also needs vitamin D which can be found in eggs, the sun,
    and astonishingly fish. I've always heard that seafood was risky for pregnancy. Reluctant if that is
    another misconception!? Ideally, she's going to wolf down sweet pastries and desserts for this game -
    plan. A pregnant woman should just eat the entire food pyramid, and invest in a cauldron while she's at
    it. Not to mention, the male must also be willing to team up with a certain diet, for the best results!

    -Lucy A.
    engl 1301

  4. The art of conception can take on many interpretations. Whether it be a traditional style such as missionary or something a bit idiosyncratic to the western world like Tanra, the act that ultimately leads to the creation of a child involves both a man and a woman. Upon ejaculation, male sperm begins its epic journey as it makes way through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes where they finally reach and fertilize the female egg. The moment this action occurs, cells begin to divide many times over as the newly fertilized egg grows into an embryo and finally, a newborn child. Throughout the existence of man, this action has occurred time and time again leading to the birth of either a boy or a girl. However, over the last few centuries as evolution and technology brought us past loincloths and into the era of the iphone armed, cookie cutter consumer, couples have raised the level of their aspirations from the inception of a pregnancy, to the assurance of a gender.

    In this latest endeavor of the expecting, we have looked to science for the answers to allow women to give birth to a baby with a preferred sex and in response, science has determined that we give diligence to the selection of our meals. Acid or ph levels in the body can be increased for girls or lowered into the more basic levels for boys. Some medical doctors have deduced that a direct change of these levels in the vagina in the time leading to intercourse can also provide the desired result. Calorie intake can also play a role as women who skip breakfast, or lessen the serving size at the very least, have consistently given birth to girls.

    As a student who prefers to acquire from a sense of aesthetic rather than want, I always look to science for solutions to the problems of our world. I find this to be the most logical choice despite the fact that paradoxically, science has caused many of the problems we face. In this instance involving the subject of nutrition and the molecules contained therein, I find myself delighted to perform a series of experiments (provided I can find enough test subjects) that can consistently provide the gender of choice. I now present you with the formula for delivering alpha:

    For those who wish to have females in their flock increased levels of protein and calcium should provide the best results in which case she would have an omelet, cooked in olive oil with a fresh made strawberry milkshake. For lunch, a serving of tapioca in milk tea would provide a feeling of fullness while keeping the calorie count on the low end.

    The meals are heartier for the boys as a higher calorie count and level of vitamins will healthy strapping young lads. Breakfast begins with eggs scrambled in olive oil with garlic, baby spinach and chicken sausage served with fresh squeezed pineapple and mango juice. In keeping with our robust program, lunch will consist of tuna and chopped green onions served on flatbread with Japanese sweet potato hummus. Our mid day can then be washed down with unsweetened black or green tea.

    In the case of either the male or female sex, my solution for dinner is the same as a balance of nutrients needed to promote the birth of a healthy child is what any loving parent should strive for in the final analysis. This meal consists of portabella mushroom tacos sautéed in olive oil with lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, avocado and just a touch of sour cream served on classic corn tortillas.

  5. Some couples often try to conceive a specific gender of a baby. Most couples might have already had two girls and are hoping for a little boy. What do some couples do? Well finding facts on how foods may alter the sex of the child during pregnancy such as eating food that develops male or female child.
    Boy sperm Vs girl sperm the method is based on the fact that the male sperm and female sperm have some distinct characteristics. Eating food that is naturally alkaline is said to encourage more alkaline in the environment within the vagina. Foods like lemons and other fruits containing vitamin C are very alkalizing to the body to the conception of baby boys. Fruits rich in this vitamin should be eaten more often and have to be served either raw or in juices, but avoid commercial ones, as these can alter ones internal environment PH.
    When hoping to get pregnant with a baby girl, one has to work a little harder to achieve your goal. In conceiving a girl one should include plenty of calcium in the form of dairy products as well as strawberries and raspberries.
    Food apparently may alter the sex of a child a couple conceive but it mostly likely easier to conceive a male child while conceive for a female child is much higher. I believe whether you conceive a male or female it doesn’t matter because they are both special gifts and couples shouldn’t be too worked up in preferring one gender over another and let it happen on its own.

    Lumiie Akinseinde

  6. the release of a study purporting to show that women with higher caloric intake and better nutrition at the time of conception are more likely to have boys than girls. Although it’s the father’s sperm that determines the sex of an embryo, the mother’s body can be more or less well suited to that embryo’s thriving.

    Goodness knows I’m no scientist, but I’m fairly skeptical about these conclusions. The amount of extra calories that encouraged male embryos seemed rather small, maybe just a few hundred. Perhaps because my own daily caloric intake can swing a few hundred up or down based on one or two small choices, I find it hard to believe that most people eat with reliable consistency. What’s more, the study was based on the women’s own accounts of their diets, and people are famously bad at this kind of self-reporting. I wonder, though, if women desperate for boys will start loading up on cereal and bananas now, and potential mothers yearning for girls will start skipping breakfast.

    For my opinion, I don't believe this study.. According to the religion, People don't need to choose the sex of their child no matter it's a boy or girl you must to accept them.

    Boureima MARE

  7. Most believe a gender selection diet is a waste of time. Some studies have shown that a gender selection diet does affect the outcome of your offspring. Certain types of food need to be avoided or increased to help promote a good environment for sperm. Altering your diet is not a big step to take especially if it can help determine the sex of your child. For example foods that are high in calcium acidity are said to help make girls. Foods like milk, butter, mustard, and yogurt help change the body’s chemistry to make it more acidic. Male sperm is more fragile than female sperm and increasing the acidity and calcium in your diet can help increase your chances of having a girl by 6%. The acidic body chemistry makes it more difficult for the male sperm to survive therefore increasing your chances of having a girl. Now if you are hoping for a boy you will need to eat foods that are high in salt. In addition you will also need to increase your intake of foods that are high is potassium. Eating bananas, drinking coffee, and eating all meats can increase your chances of having a boy. These foods make the body chemistry more alkane and therefore receptive to boy sperm. These changes in diet should start at least one month before trying to conceive and until conception
