Friday, September 26, 2014

Recipe for a Boy or Girl

Post your journal response here following our discussion of the "recipe" to influence conception of a boy or a girl:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Metaphysical Food Properties - Homework Challenge

At this point, you have been given two prompts.

The first was started in class:  List the foods (ingredients) you had in your last meal.  Look up the meanings of each item.  What do these qualities say about your meal?  About the cultures from which these quality descriptions come?

The next challenge, especially helpful for those of you who are doing the metaphysics of food potluck:  Come up with a goal or intent for a meal.  Are you going to power up an athlete?  Prepare for a test?  Encourage someone to fall in love?  After you have decided on that direction, list what you plan to make and why you have included each ingredient.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Metaphysics of Food (WORKSHOP)


Please refer to these links (print copies will be provided to groups in class) to do our food workshop:

Be prepared to, using these resources, analyze the last meal(s) you ate based on their metaphysical properties.  What potential did your breakfast hold?  What insights into history and culture do these food/spirituality links give you?
(photo c/o Amber Allen Publishing)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Ghost Hunt

Greetings ENGvaders,

Your Haunted Planet ( ghost hunt presentations are coming due!

Remember, your group has between 5 and 10 minutes to make your presentation to the class.  Make sure everyone is recognized for his/her contributions and duties and that all take part. 

This project is in your hands.  You have the freedom to shape this presentation as you see fit, as long as it communicates what is important to you about the ghost hunting experience. 

Involve your audience, express yourself and have fun!