Monday, September 22, 2014

Metaphysical Food Properties - Homework Challenge

At this point, you have been given two prompts.

The first was started in class:  List the foods (ingredients) you had in your last meal.  Look up the meanings of each item.  What do these qualities say about your meal?  About the cultures from which these quality descriptions come?

The next challenge, especially helpful for those of you who are doing the metaphysics of food potluck:  Come up with a goal or intent for a meal.  Are you going to power up an athlete?  Prepare for a test?  Encourage someone to fall in love?  After you have decided on that direction, list what you plan to make and why you have included each ingredient.


  1. Matthew has a big basketball game tomorrow against the mighty Blue Devils. As his personal chef, I'm responsible for creating a pre-game meal that will give him the right amount of energy he would need to perform to the best of his ability on the court. Based on the metaphysical properties of food, I've decided to feed him grilled salmon, whole-grain bread, and orange juice. Salmon is said to contain reproductive energy, making it perfect as the core of the meal. The whole grain bread is said to contain the amino acid tryptophan which is supposed to boost mood levels, giving him the confidence he will need to play hard. Lastly, the orange juice contains healthy nutrients and minerals that boost body energy, making it the perfect beverage to wash everything down.

    -Neek Mukoro

    1. Nice one Neek. You may want to raise the amount of air time and throw in a few dates. It's elemental properties should keep your player up their for a whole quarter ;)

  2. Having that one friend that is always single makes it hard to go on group dates, for this reason I planned to set up my friend Betsy with a mutual friend. I invited them over for dinner, and on the menu were a few things to help them fall in love.On the menu was: cocktail shrimp for entree, Thyme, ginger & nectarine marinated Cornish hens served with sweet potato puree and asparagus for the main course, and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. According to the science, all of the food served had to metaphysics properties to help people fall in love. We had a great and from the looks of our conversation Betsy and Mike were very interested in having their very own private conversation. From that point on we never had a problem going on group dates. I guess we can all agree and say I am the metaphysics matchmaker.

  3. I set out with the intention of promoting a warm, safe feeling amongst my fellow ENGvaders by using the metaphysical properties of food. This action was brought about by my desire for comfort. It's something I think we all need and crave, a basic human necessity. My ingredients were as follows:

    • 3 oz Dark Red Cherries- for energy, love, and playfulness
    • 6oz Pineapple - for luck and chastity
    • 2 tbsp Cinnamon- for protection and comfort
    • Several vigorous dashes of Hungarian Paprika - for pain-relief
    • A WHOLE LOTTA BROWN SUGAR BABY~ - for banishing evil and protection.

    Not a whole lot of people tried it, but the ones who did seemed to enjoy it. Igot positive feedback and someone even had a BM because of it. Talk about banishing evil! All in all, I look forward to our final, when I can experiment on you all again.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Cleared up a few typos and I found no way to edit.

  5. In the world of sport, men and women test their strength and ability against nature, the elements and, of course, each other. Although there are many familiar sports with which one can participate (basketball, baseball, etc...), I ultimately chose mountain biking. To prepare for this, I trained on tarmac trails near Hermann Park everyday for a month at a distance of up to 15 miles. Although Houston is a massive plains region, there are subtle gradients that, when ridden in combination with a strong breeze, can provide a very arduous session.

    It became quite clear to me very early on that having a solid meal before a long ride can be uncomfortable as the food can find itself pressing against other organs forcing me to slow my pace. I also came to realize that what I had taken before the ride was in the wrong place, as it needs to pass through the stomach before its energy rich contents can be drawn in. There was no possible way I could expect to last the length of the ride if the energy required was still “waiting in line”. It was at this point I realized that the only way to get what I needed in the quickest fashion was in the form of a drink.

    But first one must ask: What to drink? To answer this, I turned to the Greek god of sport, Hermes. “By Zeus, tell me, what can be had for the best of rides while allowing me maintain the manly masculinity that was formed in the image of your father.

    “Banana!” he replied. “This fruit represents the heroic male energy you need to attain your MTB fortune.

    “Surely, there must be more.” I said.

    “Peanut butter has the aggressive energy associated with your god-like masculinity. On Mt. Olympus, we refer to its shell as the vegetables testicles. The milk of almond will bring the wisdom and intuition needed to navigate the wooded terrains of the off-road world.

    “Brilliant!” I said in amazement.

    “Finally, use cinnamon of the tree evergreen, as it will provide with a means of quick healing should the ground rise up in revolt and strike you.”

    “Oh thank you Hermes.” I said while committing his words to memory.
    Expeditiously, I made my way home and raided my kitchen for ingredients needed to bring ultimate glory. I placed the constituents of this elixir in a blender in preparation of what would be my newly found Spartan-like prestige, but then remembered the best way to take this was in a creamier format, thus preventing it from passing to quickly. Frozen bananas would make for the best creaming catalyst at which point I placed the phallic fruit in the fridge. Upon achieving the hardening that only a freezer could provide, I placed them in a blender and brought everything together as one.

  6. Sooo I typed an entire thing up describing a meal that promotes health and cancer prevention and when I went to publish it, it reloaded the page making me sign in again and never published my comment...

    --Katie Vasquez

  7. My best friend Javier was cursed with an inverted pelvis and is not capable of dancing like a god, but more so like a rusty robot with repetitive dance moves. His birthday is imminent and I'm ecstatic to take him out dancing, accompanied by his confidence of course. I've danced with him and attempted to teach him the ways of "Footloose" but it's much harder than I thought. So, I've planned to concoct a special meal before the night of endless dancing.

    Alas, FISH TACOS!

    Fish-for the reproductive energy which will enable him to maintain endurance

    Tiny shredded carrots- promotes masculine energy and fertility, so he can attract the honeys' meanwhile competing with his soon to be awesome dance moves. These will be on top of the fish.

    Usually encourages one to fall in love, but on this night, he will fall in love with his dancing, alongside building intelligence for better dance moves?

    Oregano (seasoning for the fish) -clears congestion in the lungs allowing him to breathe and endure longer. (also makes the fish tasty.)

    Cumin-keeps away evil spirits, so ain't nobody stealin' his moves!

    Tomato salsa- solicit romantic attention of the babes. I should just eat these tacos. Does he even like fish?

    Corn tortillas- not entirely sure how the promotion of life return will help but hey! it might give him new hips!!!

    Onions- absorb impurities, and promote physical and spiritual health. This might help him with his confidence!

    Mango elevates the spirit and super delish!

    After a whole night of dancing and inebriation, I will uplift him with some warm coffee for mental acuity and coordination.


  8. When we are studying for exams or simply think about what will be a brilliant topic for our English 1301 final paper, good nutrition often slides way down on our priority list. It’s easy to get into the habit of glugging coffee and gobbling take-out pizza, because we do not want to waste time on food preparation. But, actually, good nutrition should be part of our study plan because it’s going to help us ace those tests or complete term papers. The better the fuel our brain gets, the better we’ll think.

    Here is a dish that will definitely boost our mental state:

    • Sautéed extra lean ground turkey (increases motivation and levels of attention)
    • Cubed potatoes (thought to be powerful reservoirs of primal energy),
    • Cubed carrots and broccoli (increases physical strength)
    • Gravy (controls the aggressive qualities of meat) made from chicken broth and ground thyme (calms the nervous system) and rosemary (increases mental clarity).

    Hope this recipe helps. Good luck to all of us!

    - chrislyn hyder

  9. Unfortunately, my family has a pretty long history of many types of cancer. So my idea was to come up with a meal that either helps prevent cancer from forming or regulates it.

    For a nice dinner, I will make a salad full of carrots, spinach, onion, beans, and chicken.

    -Carrots are a source of potent antioxidants called carotenoids which are linked to decreasing the risk of certain cancers such as postmenopausal breast cancer, cancer of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx, and esophagus.

    -Spinach also contains carotenoids, and helps to not only kill prostate cancer cells, but also prevent the from multiplying. Spinach also contains folate which has been shown to reduce risk of developing colorectal, ovarian, and breast cancers.

    -Onion helps lower risk of prostate and esophageal cancers by containing potent cancer-fighting enzymes

    -Beans contain an assortment of phytochemicals shown to protect cells from cancerous activity by inhibiting cancer cells from reproducing and slowing tumor growth

    -Chicken was added mainly for taste but also contains protein which fuels your body and helps maintain strength

    For dessert, I will make a kind of fruit salad including kiwis, cherries, guavas, and banana.

    - Kiwis have a unique blend of phytonutrients vitamins, and minerals, that have been found to help protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and respiratory disease

    -Cherries contain quercetin and ellagic acid which has been shown to inhibit the growth of tours and even cause cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis).

    -Guavas contain lycopene which protects our healthy cells from dangerous free radicals. Guavas are associated with lower rates of prostate cancer and also shows significant improvements such as smaller tours and decreased malignancy.

    -Bananas once again are mainly for taste but they also have an abundance of potassium which promotes kidney health and helps keep a healthy blood pressure.

    Maintaining a diet rich in these foods not only helps with the prevention of cancerous activity but also promote a healthy lifestyle, which is important for keeping a strong body and mind.

  10. Everyone loves food. Every meal is a blessing. My brother, David can eat all day long, like my mom would say to him “ffo(for food only)”. His favorite meal is Jollof rice; I usually make a pot full of Jollof because it fills him up and it nutritious for him. These are the ingredients for Jollof rice contains
    • Oil -- 1/4 cup
    • Chicken, cut into pieces -- 1 1/2 pounds
    • Water or stock -- 5 cups
    • Onions, chopped -- 2
    • Red or green bell pepper, chopped -- 1
    • Garlic, minced -- 3 or 4 cloves
    • Long-grain rice -- 3 cups
    • Tomato paste -- 1/4 cups
    • Tomatoes, chopped -- 2 cups
    • Salt

    These ingredients have great nutrient to the body.

    • Chicken is a common ingredient in many recipes because it high in protein and taste great.
    • An onion can be a powerful vegetable, not only because of its strong taste and smell, but also because of its high antioxidant levels.
    • Bell peppers contain very high amounts of vitamin C and Vitamin A
    • garlic cloves contain many noteworthy phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that have proven health benefits.
    Lumiie Akinseinde

  11. A good friend on mine has been very down lately , she and her husband of 5 years who I am also very good friends with, would like to conceive their first child. The meal I have chosen to prepare for them will help them feel a lot better about their current situation. I want promote unconditional love, fun, and hope. Everything that's needed to help manifest their bundle of joy! My Intent is to create a meal that's meaningful. I will prepare a healthy, light, yet simple dish that will still taste great. The dish of choice will be " Asparagus Chicken Carbonara Pasta". I will also prepare "Ginger Vanilla Fro Yo" With peach and honey compote. This dish will help encourage optimism , disposition and wishes.

    Listed Below Are The Ingredients Used And There Metaphysical Benefits.

    Asparagus Chicken Carbonara Pasta

    • 8oz of Wheat Spaghetti - fertility, conception, abundance, rebirth, renewal.
    • 2 cups of Asparagus - romance, grounding, potency
    • 1/2 cup of egg - Spirituality , rejuvenation
    • 2 tea spoons of olive oil - fertility , prosperity, potency
    • 1/2 cup of onion - promises, warding, health, male fertility
    • 2 cups of chicken - nurturing, healing
    • 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese - completion
    • 3 tbsp of chopped leaf parsley - protection, purification
    • bacon just because it taste good!

    "Ginger Vanilla Fro Yo w/ Peach Honey Compote"

    Vanilla - comfort, love, sweet disposition
    Honey - purification, romance, optimism
    Peaches - Feminine , Wishes come true
    Ginger - Energy , stimulation

    • 2 cups 2-percent-fat plain Greek yogurt
    • 3 cups lowfat vanilla pudding
    • 1/4 cup (1 ounce) crystallized ginger, finely chopped
    • 4 tablespoons honey
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 2 large ripe peaches, pitted and sliced, slices halved
    • 3 tablespoons sugar
    • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
    • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, plus more for garnish
    • Topped with (organic honey) !

    This meal is great , with great health benefits aswell ! Thanks for reading.

    - Uzoma Okere

  12. Hey..... i love African Beans. that's my favorite meal. Every Saturday night, that's my dinner with my friend. Beans were thought to contain the souls of the dead in ancient Egypt and Greece, and it was taboo to eat them or crush the plants. According to legend, Pythagoras met his death when he refused to escape his assassins by cutting through a bean field. Because they contain the wisdom of ancestors, beans promote correct decision making and are used in the divination of future events. In modern times, however, beans have become a staple of the human diet. Soybeans are considered the most perfect of all beans and are sacred in Japan. Soymilk is made by soaking whole soybeans in water; miso is a fermented soybean paste used to make sauces and broths; tofu is a protein-rich coagulation of soybean extract. Lentils are disk-shaped beans from India. Aduki beans from Japan are one of the most digestible varieties, as are the tiny but flavor-rich mung beans. Kidney, navy, black, and pinto beans are staples of the typical Western diet. Peas are a type of sweet bean that bring luck in love and finance. According to folklore, shelling peas by hand will bring profits to your business, and if an unmarried woman finds a pod containing exactly nine peas and hangs it over her door, the next eligible man to walk in will become her husband. According to my local language, it's called Benga.
    hummmmm Delicious Meal Benga

    Boureima MARE

  13. Most believe a gender selection diet is a waste of time. Some studies have shown that a gender selection diet does affect the outcome of your offspring. Certain types of food need to be avoided or increased to help promote a good environment for sperm. Altering your diet is not a big step to take especially if it can help determine the sex of your child. For example foods that are high in calcium acidity are said to help make girls. Foods like milk, butter, mustard, and yogurt help change the body’s chemistry to make it more acidic. Male sperm is more fragile than female sperm and increasing the acidity and calcium in your diet can help increase your chances of having a girl by 6%. The acidic body chemistry makes it more difficult for the male sperm to survive therefore increasing your chances of having a girl. Now if you are hoping for a boy you will need to eat foods that are high in salt. In addition you will also need to increase your intake of foods that are high is potassium. Eating bananas, drinking coffee, and eating all meats can increase your chances of having a boy. These foods make the body chemistry more alkane and therefore receptive to boy sperm. These changes in diet should start at least one month before trying to conceive and until conception.
